
We welcome you to our Faith-Builder called Inspirations. We trust you will find new faith and boldness to approach God with your needs and shortcomings. Join us weekly for a boost in your faith. Sincerely, Rev. Ralph and Susan McIntosh

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

# 697 Happy New Ears!

January 6, 2010

I would encourage you to ask the Lord to not only renew your mind
in 2010, but to give you new ears. Of course what I mean is to give you more intent hearing of good things and rejection of evil.

A few weeks ago when we were in Scotland, I asked the members of a church, to kneel in two rows from the front of the church to the back so Susan and I could walk between them and pray, pronounce, and proclaim that they would be cut off from anything spoken over them that was not of God and that was detrimental to their spiritual or emotional or physical well being.

I was amazed to see about seventy people immediately get up and kneel to be prayed for. This demonstrates to me how much we hear that is not of God which can cause us great pain and can even alter our life course from what God has planned. So, with me, let us covenant to hear from God and not from “man” –- To tune the hearing of our heart to the heart of God and not of man. To be like an infant looking into it’s father’s eyes and listening to every sound, watching every expression, memorizing his father’s voice. This way we will not be fooled by the “evil one” even if he tries to impersonate the Father. We also need to seek Godly council.

Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice.” That means that His sheep recognize, listen to, and obey the commands carried through His voice and words.

At first we may need to be taught to listen like Samuel, when a child in the Temple, had to be taught to listen…

(Living Bible) I Samuel 3:7 Samuel had never had a message from Jehovah before. 8. So now the Lord called the third time, and once more Samuel jumped up and ran to Eli.``Yes?'' he asked. ``What do you need? ''Then Eli realized it was the Lord who had spoken to the child. 9. So he said to Samuel, ``Go and lie down again, and if He calls again, say, `Yes, Lord, I'm listening.''' So Samuel went back to bed. 10. And the Lord came and called as before, ``Samuel! Samuel!'' And Samuel replied, ``Yes, I'm listening.''

Once we learn to hear with discernment, our faith will grow, our thoughts will change, our words will change, and our words will impact others for good-- not for evil! --Ralph McIntosh